Monday, 5 November 2012

The Local Radio is Terrible

So I'm writing this post whilst I listen to BBC Radio Gloucestershire and I can't deny how truly terrible it is. Possibly made worse by the fact that I tuned in they were discussing sniffing sherbet.. We had none of that in Cheshire.

Anyway, last week I paid a visit to Hesters Way photographing for my project. Safe to say that was an experience I won't forget and I'm a little nervous to go back but excited too as I now have a better direction to take it.

This photo needs to be straightened up but I only had time to take this one shot as the person in the float just out of the shot wasn't happy I was taking a photo of the building he was living in.

Demonstrating where businesses are failing.

As this fellow walked past me he stunk of alcohol and this shot I find really interesting as Bargain Booze is situated right next to a help and support centre.

I can't decide whether or not I'm a fan of this shot.