Saturday, 8 December 2012


So now that I've finished my Photojournalist project I've been shooting more lightheartedly. I've been out tonight, armed with a torch and a flash gun, just playing around with whatever I had in Pittville Park and James.

Flash first..

This bandstand is beautiful, and it looks even prettier at night when the white is so clearly standing out against the black. 

The depth of field on this shot is what I like the most as the branch fades out and in to the blackness. 

At first I was disappointed with this shot because only the foreground is sharp, it gets blurrier toward the back due to movement. But I've grown to love it (in the space of an hour).

Everybody loves a waterfall. 

Moving on, to the torch!

This shot is very dark but I like the halloweeny, spooky effect it has and the slight blueness of the sky sneaking through. I was actually trying to photograph an old man walking past.

Time for a quick stop for a portrait. I bet you've tried the holding a torch under your chin? I really like this though, even if it is cliché. 

These two I think only work if they are together in a set. Walking up from the tunnel on a long exposure with a torch. 

I know it's not in focus but that's just because it's hard to keep a camera still for 4 seconds. But I like the sky, fading darker and the effect on the trees. 

I don't like this shot, but it certainly makes the difference clear between using flash if no other shot does. 

I know that a lot of these shots are a bit on the rubbish side but tonight I've had fun experimenting, even if it was extreeeeemely cold. Unfortunately, now I must continue with my essay.