Thursday, 31 October 2013


Don't expect to see anything spectacular on this post. It's a developmental post this one..

I visited Birmingham not so long ago to do the first shoot in my project on the city. I couldn't have picked a worse day to go, the weather was atrocious making it hard to get any shots.

With a wide angle lens, standing a little nearer to the bridge and I think this could be a bolder shot. With the two transportation routes in use at the same time, perhaps with a freight rather than passenger train as well.

The colours in this are fabulous as is the texture. The white balance is a little off and the shot could be improved with that. I would like to try this one again.

Crop and straighten this at the drainpipe and throw a flash at the fence and I imagine the shot could be entirely different. I intend to visit again and try this technique.

I will be visiting again in the coming few days, as well as a second part of the canal. Hopefully down by Smethick Galton Bridge. And Fingers Crossed the weather won't be so bad.